Scrip is a great opportunity to earn extra money for the school and credit toward your student fee!
Enrollment Code: 77AAL4A969L18
Each family’s commitment is to earn $250 in rebates. The rebate earning period runs from June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024.
*8th grade families’ deadline for Scrip is May 15, 2024.
If you would prefer to buy-out of your family Scrip commitment, the $300 fee is due by October 1, 2023. Please pay by check payable to Alverno Heights Academy.
When your profit earnings exceed $250.00, 50% of the additional rebates will be credited to your Student Fee for 2024/2025 school year.
In School speak your families earnings will be updated quarterly under the Scrip Tracker tab and you will also receive an email.